Courses that allow you to improve through discussion and debate of clinical cases, make you think for yourself and thus improve your absorption of information, to acquire new or develop existing competences. Participants in BAED courses recognise that they can use the knowledge they have gained from the course the next day at work.

of Esthetic



BAED is an independent organiser of events for dentists and is not affiliated to dental material or equipment manufacturers. BAED lecturers give their unbiased opinion on the materials used in their lectures and are not entitled to remuneration from third parties, i.e. the manufacturers of the materials, for the lectures they give. Most of the money raised for the courses is used to reward the lecturers for their continued commitment and work in passing on information to their colleagues.
BAED works with different material manufacturers who support the organisation with the materials used in the courses, for which we are very grateful.
Courses Remote

BAED įkūrėja, lektorė, gyd. odontologė
Agnė Mališauskienė:
Nuolat bendraudama su kolegomis odontologais kursų metu, supratau, kad Lietuvoje reikalingas kitoks - nuo medžiagų gamintojų nepriklausomas profesinis tobulinimas. Taigi, mintis įkurti BAED kilo norint sukurti erdvę, skirtą odontologams, kuri būtų paprasta, praktiška ir naudinga gydytojams tobulinti savo įgūdžius be reklamos.
2021 m. karantino metu pradėjome BAED mokymų centro statybas ir lektorių komandos paieškas. 2021 m. vasarą startavome su 5 lektorių komanda, kuri per du metus padidėjo iki dešimties.
Ačiū Jums, kad pasitikite mumis!

Baltijos estetinės odontologijos akademija
Padedame dirbti be streso
Tęstinis mokymas yra itin svarbi kiekvieno odontologo darbo dalis. Nuolat besikeičiantys metodai, naujos technikos, medžiagos, instrumentai bei moksliniai įrodymai yra neatsiejama odontologijos evoliucijos dalis. Tad nuo 2019 metų BAED (Baltic Academy of Esthetic Dentistry) sparčiai auga ir teikia praktinius kursus, teorinius seminarus bei mokymosi programas, kurias veda geriausi užsienio bei Lietuvos lektoriai.

Iš ko mokomės?
Vos per trejus metus Vilniuje suorganizavome per 240 mokymų su Lietuvos užsienio lektoriais - Ricardo Kern (Brazilija), Didier Dietschi (Šveicarija), Mauro Fradeani (Italija), Leonardo Bacherini (Italija), Roberto Turrini (Italija), Mark Bowes (Pietų Afrikos Respublika), Micheal Melkers (Jungtinės Amerijos Valstijos), Javier Tapia Gaudix (Ispanija), John Chu (Ispanija), Orestis Charalambous (Graikija), Janos Mako (Vengrija) ir kiti.
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Categories Course
Courses New
Practical tools
A wide choice of training courses
Convenient location
Individual attention for everyone
Autonomous learning programme
A wide choice of training courses

"I really liked the fact that we could review the theoretical part of the course at home, and then practice when we arrived. The fact that there are two professionals in the room at the same time - Agnė and Mindaugas - makes the subject fully comprehensive:) I want to thank you and wish you success!"
- Vaiva,
Cofferdam insulation. Agnė Mališauskienė and Mindaugas Kudelis
"It was very useful! The information is very systematic so that you can use it in your practice."
- Gabrielle
Aesthetic filling and polishing. Agnė Mališauskienė
I really liked it! It's simple, clear, understandable. I liked the lecture, the material, all the tips. I liked that there was access to everyone and an explanation of how they made mistakes, what went wrong and how to correct the discrepancy.
- Aquila,
Mindaugas Kudelis coursesBAED Supporters

Dentistry -
for dentists
Baltic Academy of Esthetic Dentistry - theoretical and practical courses, seminars, conferences for dentists and dental professionals.
BAED is the largest dental development partner in the Baltic States.
Practical tools
Convenient location
A wide choice of training courses
A wide choice of training courses
Individual attention for everyone
Autonomous learning programme
BAED is an independent organiser of events for dentists and is not affiliated to dental material or equipment manufacturers. BAED lecturers give their unbiased opinion on the materials used in their lectures and are not entitled to remuneration from third parties, i.e. the manufacturers of the materials, for the lectures they give. Most of the money raised for the courses is used to reward the lecturers for their continued commitment and work in passing on information to their colleagues.
BAED works in partnership with different material manufacturers who support the organisation with the materials used in the courses, for which we are very grateful (see Partners)